Processes and Structure for IE Content Curation The Process of Curating Compilations The compilations are curated out of CWSA Letters on Yoga 1-4, Synthesis of Yoga 1-2, Life Divine 1-2 and Collected Works of the Mother II (all books apart from Prayers and Meditations, Notes on the Way, Words of Long Ago). Many students also receive additional auto-compilations from Mother’s Agenda & the remaining books of Sri Aurobindo Or already published compilations on their subject, Or relevant chapters related to their subject. After receiving the auto-compilation, the curators systematically discard irrelevant paragraphs, select relevant lines, organise the distilled content and reference it. For each of these stages of work, they receive a handout which has been co-created with the help of the editors after the first content curation cycle. The compilations are usually 15 - 40 pages long. Curators are encouraged to keep them extensive while avoiding repetitions and inserting entire chapters. Structure of the Compilation The first three sections of the compilation usually answer the following. Curators find quotes answering these questions and organise them under these sections. What? (Eg What is aesthetic sense?) Why? (Eg Why is aesthetic sense important?) How? (Eg How to develop aesthetic sense?) If applicable and necessary, curators sub-categorise quotes in terms of the parts of being under the main categories. Mental (Eg - fear in the mind) Vital (Eg - fear in the vital) Physical (Eg - fear in the physical) If applicable and necessary, curators make a distinction between two levels. They do not explicitly write “Basic and Yogic level” within the compilation. It should come out from the flow itself. Basic level - quotes referring to the context of education, mostly coming from Mother’s words. Yogic level - quotes referring to the context of integral yoga sadhana. Mostly coming from Sri Aurobindo. Process of Drafting Summaries The summaries have been made by sorting major quotations from the compilations under What, Why, How. To bring continuity and flow, a minimal editorial text has been inserted. Minimal connecting words such as “however” and connecting sentences such as “Paying attention to food and dietics can help tackle these problems.” have been added. Similarly, keeping reader’s perspective in mind, parts of the quotations have been deleted. For instance, This is the cause of my leniency. Blessings The summaries undergo rigorous review by our editors before they are sent to you.

Curation Process

Refinement Process